Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Transfering Isk On Eve Online Trial Accounts

Unfortunately it is not possible to transfer Isk or goods with an Eve Online trial account. You can recieve Isk from someone else but you yourself can not give Isk to another character.

Fortunately though there are ways around this, we will go through a method to transfer Isk and goods as safely as possible.

Supposing you have a trial account that is coming to an end and you want to transfer the Isk/goods you have made to a new trial account, heres how we do it.

Buy a small container (not a secure container, these can not be trained on a trial account), now make a deep safe spot explained here.

You will need to make a few copys of the safe spot that you can put in a container.
I would suggest doing this a day or so before your account expires. This post explains how to make copys you can drop in canisters.

So you have a deep safe spot along with copys of the safe spot, now choose a quite system and warp to a planet, remember which planet you have warped to. Eject your canister and drop a few copys of the safe spot in the canister.

You should now log out and immediately log your 2nd trial account on and warp to the planet where you left the canister and copys of the safe spots.

Loot the copies and add them to your new characters safe spot list.

Both Characters will now have exactly the same deep safe spot where your 1st trial account can leave his goods in a canister for your 2nd account to pick up out of the way from can flippers and looters !


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